Prayer of Saint Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury,pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Still alive!

Sorry, I realized today that people who read this might wonder why I haven't blogged in a couple of days....

Don't worry, I didn't get sick and didn't get hit by a rickshaw or bus (though that would make a great storry). I've just been pretty busy with finishing the murals and shopping with Tuan on his last day here. That's right, Tuan heads out tonight which means I'm left 'alone' come tomorrow morning. Ack! No, it should be okay. Tuan's taught me a lot about the city and how not to get ripped off. I'll be fine.

Let's see, what's happened since I wrote last....

I finally saw a Bollywood film! A romantic comedy (my favorite) complete with typical Bollywood singing and dancing (even better). We taught one boy about the stars and planets and space travel yesterday. It was really cool to see someone who has never heard anything about space to see pictures in a book for the first time! I think we take a lot of our knowledge for granted. I tried to teach him about gravity...he gets that it makes things fall, which is what's important.

Yesterday was Louie's birthday! Happy Birthday! and it also happened to be the feast day of St. Louis...weird. I went to adoration with the sisters yesterday and when I opened up my Liturgy of the Hours I saw a paragraph about St. Louis! He was a married saint, king of France(?) at age 22 and had 11 children. He fought for Christ's tomb in the crusades. Awesome.

Today was the 97th birthday of Blessed Mother Teresa. There was a beautiful Mass at Mother house this morning with I think I counted 6 priests. Tonight we will go to a local parish (Saint Mary's) for a special Mass in Mother's honor.

And congratulations to Kolton and family! It is such a blessing to have another member added to the church! It makes my heart so happy to think about all of the graces he is now open to receive and what wonderful parents he has : )

Not much else has happened. I have to finish laundry...hand-washed in a bucket : ) G-L-A-M-O-R-OUS (hopefully you've heard that song)... I was thinking that I can't really sing that here, but compared to the people that I pass by on the streets everyday, I'm flyin' first class up in the sky...

Peace, Corina


Anonymous said...

corina- I just woke up and the first thing I did was check for a new blog- haven't even had my coffee!! Don't go 5 more days without word! I did have a prayer answered, though- you're safe and sound. Maybe you can e-mail me a phone# for the hotel or mission house. I got nowhere via the internet- after hours of trying. I love you and continue to pray for you. Your mother :)

Anonymous said...

Hey! What's with the no blogging? Parents always think the worst and assume something's wrong. Please don't go so long with out letting us know. If you're going to be out of touch and we know ahead of time, OK. Please give us an emergency phone contact. I assume you would be embarrased if we call someone overthere so you will be sure to blog!
Love you and trust you more each day.


Molly said...

Wow, your parents love you a ton. Not that that's surprising....

Be safe your last week-and-a-half (give or take...)...

Wait, now I sound like your mom and dad...

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing your parents worry, lets me off the hook! I did see your comment posted about your return date on the 24th so that help to eleviate some of the worry for me. :>)

I did miss reading updates of your experiences so please keep them coming!

Love, Valerie

Anonymous said...

My last comment was to read:
"your comment posted on the 24th about your return date" ...

~Crazy me